Ayukalp Pharma

Ayukalp Stocrush CapsuleAyukalp Stocrush Capsule

Stocrush Capsule

180/- Per Pack

Packaging Size 30 capsule, 1000 capsule
Brand Ayukalp

To be taken Under Medical Supervision.


Product Information

Stocrush capsule is an exclusive herbo-mineral formulation to treat and prevent urinary tract infection and stone formation. Stocrush capsule is a diuretic that flushes out small stones from the kidneys. Stocrush capsule normalizes urinary pH and alleviates burning during urination. Flushes out with strong diuretic action. Provides symptomatic relief by acting as alkalizer. anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory. Maintains alkaline of urine.

  • 1 to 2 capsule twice a day or as directed by the physician

  • Urinary calculi. Recurrent calculi, Urinary tract infection. Burning micturation.


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